Paramount Pictures, a renowned film studio, has taken steps toward sustainability within the entertainment industry. The studio has implemented eco-friendly practices on film sets, including using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and implementing sustainable production techniques. Paramount has also focused on promoting environmental awareness within the film industry, encouraging filmmakers and production teams to adopt more sustainable practices, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of movie-making processes.
Netflix, the global streaming giant, has been making significant strides in sustainability within the entertainment industry. The company has pledged to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2022 and is actively investing in renewable energy to power its operations. Furthermore, Netflix has implemented eco-friendly production practices, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of filming by focusing on sustainable sets, minimizing waste, and promoting greener transportation options. Through its commitment to environmental stewardship and innovation, Netflix sets an example for sustainability within the media and entertainment sector.
Bei dem gemeinsamen Bericht der neun Landesrundfunkanstalten und der Deutschen Welle handelt es sich um die zweite Gesamtdarstellung des En- gagements des ARD-Medienverbunds für mehr Nachhaltigkeit sowie um eine Beschreibung gemeinschaftlicher Projekte, Maßnahmen und Ziele in diesem Bereich. Im Fokus stehen dabei alle drei Dimensionen der Nachhaltigkeit (öko- logisch, ökonomisch und sozial).