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Recently added reports in Retail


Impact Report
Fiscal Year 2022 Consumer Retail
McDonald’s, a global fast-food chain, has been actively addressing sustainability concerns in recent years. They’ve made commitments to source their food and packaging more sustainably, aiming to use only verified sustainable beef and transition to environmentally friendly packaging by incorporating recycled materials. Additionally, McDonald’s has set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its restaurants and supply chain. They’ve also implemented energy-efficient equipment and waste reduction strategies, showcasing a commitment to sustainability while navigating the challenges inherent in the fast-food industry’s environmental impact.


Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Fiscal Year 2021 Consumer Retail
Fielmann is a major European company specializing in eyewear and optometry services. While their primary focus is providing high-quality eyewear products and eye care services, they have also made efforts toward sustainability. Fielmann emphasizes responsible sourcing of materials for their frames, incorporating recycled and eco-friendly materials into their eyewear collections. Additionally, they’ve implemented energy-efficient practices in their stores and production facilities, showcasing a commitment to reducing their environmental impact within the eyewear industry.

OBI GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG

Responsibility Page
Fiscal Year 2022 Consumer Retail
OBI is a major European home improvement retailer, offering a wide range of products and services for DIY enthusiasts and professionals. In terms of sustainability, OBI has been proactive in promoting eco-friendly practices. They emphasize energy-efficient products, such as LED lighting and environmentally friendly building materials, in their stores. OBI also encourages responsible forestry by offering certified wood products and promotes recycling initiatives by providing services for the proper disposal of old products like batteries and electrical devices. Their commitment to sustainable practices aligns with the growing emphasis on environmentally conscious choices in the home improvement sector.


Annual Report
Adidas, a global leader in the sporting goods industry, is renowned for its high-quality sports footwear, apparel, and accessories. With a deep commitment to innovation and sustainability, Adidas continues to influence sports culture and lifestyle worldwide.

Metro AG

Here We Go, Corporate Sustainability Report 2021/22
Fiscal Year 2022 Retail
In this sustainability report, we look back on a financial year that was shaped by global upheaval. Disruption and uncertainties have created challenging environment, which we have encountered with a great deal of agility, energy and resilience in our business day by day. At the same time, we are looking today into a future that calls for a change of thinking. With our three sustainability priorities, we have a clear roadmap to save resources in a targeted manner, design responsible supply chains and ensure the well-being of every single METRO employee. This is how we score for our business, create strong relationships with our customers and build strong teams that are passionate about driving true change in our business.


Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2021
Fiscal Year 2021 Online-Retail Retail
Wir müssen die großen und globalen Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Wasserknappheit, Plastikverschmutzung, Demokratisierung und Menschenrechte jetzt beherzt angehen und können sie nicht auf nächste Generationen verlagern.


Bericht zur Zukunftsfähigkeit 2021/22
Fiscal Year 2022 Consumer Retail
Zukunftsfähig handeln bedeutet für uns, im Ein- klang mit der Natur zu handeln, im Sinne des Mitein- ander Füreinander, aber auch im Sinne von Innovation und Fortschritt.


Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022
Fiscal Year 2022 Consumer Retail
Weil Morgen in unseren Händen liegt. Mit diesem Wissen übernimmt EDEKA Südwest Verantwortung: für die Mitarbeitenden, das Gemeinwohl und die Region. Wir gestalten den Anbau, die Produktion, den Transport und den Handel von Lebensmitteln nachhaltiger. Wir wirtschaften verantwortungsvoll und reduzieren unseren Verbrauch natürlicher Ressourcen. Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022 von EDEKA Südwest erscheint erstmals ausschließlich online. Er gibt einen Überblick über die Herausforderungen, die sich uns stellen – und über die Maßnahmen, mit denen wir diese angehen. Im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit hat sich EDEKA Südwest aktuell 27 Ziele bis 2027 gesetzt. Hier berichten wir, welche Erfolge wir schon erzielt haben, wo Anpassungen nötig sind und welchen Weg wir gemeinsam gehen wollen

REWE Group

Fiscal Year 2022 Consumer Retail
Innerhalb der vier Nachhaltigkeitssäulen hat die REWE Group Kennzahlen sowie klare Ziele definiert. So können Fortschritte messbar gemacht und Maßnahmen gegebenenfalls angepasst werden. Die Wichtigsten sind im Folgenden dargestellt. Da die Rohstoffgewinnung und Verarbeitung der Produkte eine hohe Relevanz mit Blick auf Nachhaltigkeitskriterien haben, werden diese gesondert zusammengefasst.
CompanyReport-TitleFiscal YearURL
Impact Report
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Corporate Social Responsibility Report
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OBI GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG
Responsibility Page
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Annual Report
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Metro AG
Here We Go, Corporate Sustainability Report 2021/22
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Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2021
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Bericht zur Zukunftsfähigkeit 2021/22
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Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022
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REWE Group
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