Clear and transparent reporting is vital for creating accountability and monitoring our performance. We continue to integrate our financial and sustainability reporting while increasing levels of disclosure across a range
of channels, to meet the diverse needs of our different stakeholders and external reporting requirements. We’re committed to openly sharing our progress based on the best available data, and to improving our level of disclosure each year.
Zukunftsfähig handeln bedeutet für uns, im Ein- klang mit der Natur zu handeln, im Sinne des Mitein- ander Füreinander, aber auch im Sinne von Innovation und Fortschritt.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021 shows photos of the production of our first
sustainable eyewear collection. This limited collection consists of 10 models and combines
modern recycling with fashionable design. Our eyewear is produced using recycled acetate,
which we source from a specialised supplier certified according to DIN 14040. This limited
collection has been available in selected stores since spring 2022, and is also available on
our online shop.
Welcome to the Audi Report 2022, the combined annual and sustainability report of AUDI AG. This Report consolidates the financial perspective as well as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics.
The past financial year has seen IKEA navigate numerous challenges on the journey towards 2030 commitments. Nonetheless, in these times, it is more important than ever to stay committed to our sustainability strategy – it’s critical for our business and an important part of fulfilling our vision.
Our task at Mercedes-Benz is to meet the growing need for individual mobility in a sustainable way. To achieve this, we have defined a clear path on which we have reached important milestones throughout our value chains in recent months.
– We advance transformation on the basis of four strategic priorities
– Sustainability is an integral part of our business: We apply our technologies and solutions to advance growth toward a sustainable future
– Clear action fields and ambitions along our DEGREE framework
Weil Morgen in unseren Händen liegt. Mit diesem Wissen übernimmt EDEKA Südwest Verantwortung: für die Mitarbeitenden, das Gemeinwohl und die Region. Wir gestalten den Anbau, die Produktion, den Transport und den Handel von Lebensmitteln nachhaltiger. Wir wirtschaften verantwortungsvoll und reduzieren unseren Verbrauch natürlicher Ressourcen.
Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022 von EDEKA Südwest erscheint erstmals ausschließlich online. Er gibt einen Überblick über die Herausforderungen, die sich uns stellen – und über die Maßnahmen, mit denen wir diese angehen. Im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit hat sich EDEKA Südwest aktuell 27 Ziele bis 2027 gesetzt. Hier berichten wir, welche Erfolge wir schon erzielt haben, wo Anpassungen nötig sind und welchen Weg wir gemeinsam gehen wollen
Innerhalb der vier Nachhaltigkeitssäulen hat die REWE Group Kennzahlen sowie klare
Ziele definiert. So können Fortschritte messbar gemacht und Maßnahmen
gegebenenfalls angepasst werden. Die Wichtigsten sind im Folgenden dargestellt. Da
die Rohstoffgewinnung und Verarbeitung der Produkte eine hohe Relevanz mit Blick
auf Nachhaltigkeitskriterien haben, werden diese gesondert zusammengefasst.
BYD, short for Build Your Dreams, is a prominent Chinese company and a leader in the fields of electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions. Known for its innovative approach in battery technology and sustainable transport solutions, BYD is at the forefront of the global shift towards green energy.
Henkel AG is a multinational company headquartered in Germany, renowned for its leading role in consumer and industrial products, particularly in the areas of adhesives, beauty care, and laundry & home care. Henkel’s commitment to sustainability and innovation has made it a key player in both the domestic and global markets.
Henkel AG is a multinational company headquartered in Germany, renowned for its leading role in consumer and industrial products, particularly in the areas of adhesives, beauty care, and laundry & home care. Henkel’s commitment to sustainability and innovation has made it a key player in both the domestic and global markets.