McDonald’s, a global fast-food chain, has been actively addressing sustainability concerns in recent years. They’ve made commitments to source their food and packaging more sustainably, aiming to use only verified sustainable beef and transition to environmentally friendly packaging by incorporating recycled materials. Additionally, McDonald’s has set ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its restaurants and supply chain. They’ve also implemented energy-efficient equipment and waste reduction strategies, showcasing a commitment to sustainability while navigating the challenges inherent in the fast-food industry’s environmental impact.
Henkel AG is a multinational company headquartered in Germany, renowned for its leading role in consumer and industrial products, particularly in the areas of adhesives, beauty care, and laundry & home care. Henkel’s commitment to sustainability and innovation has made it a key player in both the domestic and global markets.
Alnatura is a leading organic food retailer and producer in Germany, dedicated to sustainable and responsible food production and retailing. Known for its wide range of high-quality organic products, Alnatura is committed to promoting a healthier lifestyle and a more environmentally friendly food industry.
Zukunftsfähig handeln bedeutet für uns, im Ein- klang mit der Natur zu handeln, im Sinne des Mitein- ander Füreinander, aber auch im Sinne von Innovation und Fortschritt.
Innerhalb der vier Nachhaltigkeitssäulen hat die REWE Group Kennzahlen sowie klare
Ziele definiert. So können Fortschritte messbar gemacht und Maßnahmen
gegebenenfalls angepasst werden. Die Wichtigsten sind im Folgenden dargestellt. Da
die Rohstoffgewinnung und Verarbeitung der Produkte eine hohe Relevanz mit Blick
auf Nachhaltigkeitskriterien haben, werden diese gesondert zusammengefasst.