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Kürzlich hinzugefügte Berichte im Bereich “Telekommunikation”

Siemens AG

Sustainability report 2023
Siemens AG is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the industry, energy, healthcare, and infrastructure & cities sectors. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Siemens AG provides cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses and communities around the world.


Environmental Report
Geschäftsjahr 2023 IT Telekommunikation
Google’s 2023 Environmental Report provides an overview of our environmental sustainability strategy and targets and our annual progress towards them. 1 This report features data, performance highlights, and progress against our targets from our 2022 fiscal year (January 1 to December 31, 2022). It also mentions some notable achievements from the first half of 2023. After two years of condensed reporting, we’re sharing a deeper dive into our approach in one place.


Environmental Progress Report
The environmental challenges we face today are significant, and we are responding with urgency and dedication. We approach our work by focusing on fundamental questions. What matters most? And where can we make the greatest impact? These questions guide our work across our strategic pillars of climate change, resources, and smarter chemistry — and inform our goals in how we can best achieve change. We know we’re not alone in working to reduce our environmental footprint. So we’re engaging with others to support our efforts and find opportunities to lift local communities along the way.


Corporate Resposibility Bericht
Geschäftsjahr 2022 Telekommunikation
Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung sind seit über zwei Jah- rzehnten Bestandteile unseres unternehmerischen Handelns. Unser Selbstverständnis als verantwortungsvolles Unternehmen haben wir in unserer Konzernstrategie festgeschrieben. Damit verpflichtenwirunszunachhaltigemHandelnentlangunserer Wertschöpfungskette – und dazu, zur Lösung ökologischer, ökono- mischer und sozialer Herausforderungen beizutragen.


Corporate Responsability Bericht
Geschäftsjahr 2020 Telekommunikation
UnternehmenName des BerichtsGeschäftsjahrURL
Siemens AG
Sustainability report 2023
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Environmental Report
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Environmental Progress Report
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Corporate Resposibility Bericht
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Corporate Responsability Bericht
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