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Kürzlich hinzugefügte Berichte im Bereich “Elektronik”


Sustainability Report
Geschäftsjahr 2022 Baugewerbe Elektronik IT
Stulz is a globally recognized leader in precision air conditioning, humidification, and IT cooling solutions, primarily catering to data center and industrial applications. Known for its technologically advanced and energy-efficient systems, Stulz focuses on reliability and customization to meet diverse environmental control needs.

Robert Bosch GmbH

Geschäftsjahr 2022 Automobil Elektronik
Die Robert Bosch GmbH, ein führendes multinationales Ingenieur- und Technologieunternehmen mit Sitz in Deutschland, ist bekannt für sein vielfältiges Angebot an Produkten und Dienstleistungen, darunter Kraftfahrzeugkomponenten, Industrietechnologien, Konsumgüter und Gebäudetechnik. Bosch ist bekannt für sein Engagement für Innovation und Qualität und spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der Förderung von Bereichen wie dem Internet der Dinge (IoT) und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung.


Sustainability Report
Geschäftsjahr 2022 Konsumenten Elektronik IT
Sony Corporation, a leading global technology company, has made strides in sustainability across its operations. Sony focuses on reducing its environmental footprint by implementing eco-friendly practices in its manufacturing processes, product design, and energy usage. The company has committed to using renewable energy sources for its operations and has set ambitious targets to achieve a zero environmental footprint by 2050. Sony also emphasizes product recycling and the development of energy-efficient technologies, showcasing a commitment to sustainability within the tech industry.


Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Geschäftsjahr 2022 Chemie Elektronik
Entegris Inc., a leading supplier of advanced materials and process solutions for the semiconductor and other high-technology industries, demonstrates a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) across various dimensions. Their CSR framework is founded on four pillars: innovation, safety, personal development and inclusion, and sustainability.

SEW Eurodrive

Geschäftsjahr 2022 Automobil Elektronik
SEW-Eurodrive ist ein weltweit renommierter Akteur in der Antriebstechnik und Automatisierung, der für seine innovative Ingenieurkunst und die Herstellung von Getriebemotoren, Antriebssystemen und industriellen Getriebeeinheiten bekannt ist. Ihre fortschrittlichen Lösungen sind entscheidend für die Steigerung von Effizienz und Produktivität in verschiedenen industriellen Anwendungen.


Environmental Progress Report
The environmental challenges we face today are significant, and we are responding with urgency and dedication. We approach our work by focusing on fundamental questions. What matters most? And where can we make the greatest impact? These questions guide our work across our strategic pillars of climate change, resources, and smarter chemistry — and inform our goals in how we can best achieve change. We know we’re not alone in working to reduce our environmental footprint. So we’re engaging with others to support our efforts and find opportunities to lift local communities along the way.


Sustainability report 2022
– We advance transformation on the basis of four strategic priorities – Sustainability is an integral part of our business: We apply our technologies and solutions to advance growth toward a sustainable future – Clear action fields and ambitions along our DEGREE framework
UnternehmenName des BerichtsGeschäftsjahrURL
Sustainability Report
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Robert Bosch GmbH
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Sustainability Report
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Corporate Social Responsibility Report
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SEW Eurodrive
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Environmental Progress Report
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Sustainability report 2022
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